The Beautiful Dead follows a girl simply known as Winter.. it's the name given to her on her Raising. Winter quickly learns she's very different from the other undead in the town Trenton, and that sometimes being different makes a big difference when it counts.
I just want to say I LOVED this book! This has to be the most unique story about the undead I have ever read in my life. The characters are a mix of the popular flesh-eating zombie lore and so, so much more. Our undead friends and foes are given a reason as to why they eat humans which is just is such a simple reason it's a wonder no one's thought of it before honestly.
I found NO errors in the work (Kudos to your editor Mr. Banner) and the storyline, itself, is flawlessly written. The story will engross the reader under they are a part of the story sharing in Winter's curiosity as she learns about her new world, and feeling every emotion she herself can't fully feel.
Every character is well-developed and unique and quite distinguishable. There's also enough twists, turns, and drops to keep the reader on their toes and eagerly flipping pages to see what happens next.
I would absolutely recommend this book to any lover of zombies, dystopians, post-apocalyptics, and/or fantasy. The Beautiful Dead is a sure to be a favorite for anyone that reads it.
I look forward to reading Dead of Winter, the second book in this series.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws.