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100% Honest Reviews
Of Neptune - Anna Banks

The final book in The Syrena Legacy definitely doesn't disappoint. Of Neptune picks up four months after Of Triton. Galen and Emma have graduated from high school and are finally taking that much needed vacation they spoke about at the end of Of Triton. Neither of them expected to find what they did when they take Antonis' advice and go visit the sleepy town of Neptune, Tennessee.

There's more heart-stopping action and emotion in these pages than in the other two combined. There's some twists and turns and times when the reader will be furious and sad all at once. Of Neptune closes all the holes that were strategically placed in Of Poseidon and Of Triton. The only thing the reader will ask with the end of this book. "What happens now?"

I would absolutely enjoy another book to this series, perhaps one a few years down the line when Rayna and Emma have fingerlings, perhaps Nalia as well, to see what adventures and trouble they find with all the new and amazing changes Grom and Antonis brought to both the sea and the land.

I give this book 5 of 5 paws.