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Cu's Reviews

100% Honest Reviews
Of Triton - Anna Banks

Book 2 in The Syrena Legacy picks up roughly 12-24 hours after Of Poseidon ends. It's really a non-stop
roller-coaster ride of emotion and events. From Nalia's return to the tribunal Jagen sets up against the
royals, the reader really has little want of putting the book down.

A couple of aspects of the story are predictable especially when it concerns Rayna, though a few of the
twists will definitely through the reader for a loop and make them question where their loyalty lies.

I look forward to getting to read Of Neptune, the third book in this series. I do hope it's truly not the
final book in this series. In the short time it's taken me to read Of Poseidon and Of Triton, I've grown to
love these unique and some times quirky characters and would hate to say goodbye so soon.

I give this book 5 of 5 paws.